About Me

My name is Alexandria, though in my posts, I go by Lexi. I am a twenty one year old artist, photographer, self-taught dancer, and writer. I am a proud homeschool graduate, class of 2022. 

I enjoy the Arts and I watch hockey in my free time. I have juvenile idiopathic arthritis, a childhood autoimmune disease, which I was diagnosed with when I was a baby. I also have mild scoliosis, which I was also diagnosed with as an infant. And in 2024, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and inappropriate sinus tachycardia, a type of dysautonomia.

I am dynamically disabled, which means my disability fluctuates in severity from day to day, hour to hour, or even minute to minute. I use a cane almost full-time, and I'm an ambulatory wheelchair user, which means I can walk and stand, but I do use a wheelchair sometimes. Particularly for long distances, heart rate spikes, and pain flares.

My goal is to become an author-illustrator. I want to write and illustrate my own picture books, along with writing Children's chapter books, along with Middle Grade and YA novels. 

I started this blog to share my interests, practice my writing, and occasionally talk about how my autoimmune issues (and now other chronic issues) impact my artistic life. 

With this blog, I hope to do what I can to dispel the stigma regarding arthritis and dynamic disability, along with sharing my thoughts on books and other creative endeavors.

If you address me, identify me as she/her and disabled. No matter how much you want to, please do NOT address me as "differently-abled." I'm disabled, simple as that. I prefer identity-first language (i.e. disabled woman). 

I'm not going to get upset by person-first language (unless it's constantly used when referring to me), but don't call me "differently-abled" or "handicapable." Frankly, I find those terms to be demeaning, offensive, and misleading.


Lexi KšŸ–Œ

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